EARights will be taking part in an invited open discussion event at the ‘Living Room – Focus on the Artists’ as part of Art Basel in Switzerland on June 13th 2019.
Living Room is a temporary space – that acts as an open platform for discussions and encounters during the Art Basel week. It is organised by the Swiss Arts Council, Pro Helvetia – who support and disseminate Swiss arts and culture.
As part of a mixed programme of discussions focusing around artist living and working conditions, EARights have been asked to contribute to the Artist Fees event. The discussion aims to raise awareness of the precarious situation of visual artists and better consider the relationships between funding bodies, institutions and artists.
Guðrún Gísladóttir will be accompanied on the panel by Rémi Dufay (Associate Artist at L’Abri in Geneva for the 2018-2019 season and a member of Garage – Groupe d’Action pour la Rémunération des Artistes a Genève), Rune Peitersen (artist and board member/co-founder of the Platform Beeldende Kunst Netherlands), Josef Felix Müller (artist, editor and president of Visarte Switzerland). Samuel Schellenberg (journalist and art critic) will moderate the conversation.
“Artist Fees” will take place on Thursday, June 13th at 16:00 at Living Room Pavilion (Kasernenareal, Klybeckstrasse 1b, 4057 Basel).
For more information, visit prohelvetia.ch